

Yes, Virginia, You Can Learn to Love… Okay Like, Exercise

Hate exercising? You’re definitely not alone. At any time during the year, thousands of people across the country commit to working out, only to fall off the wagon weeks later.So what gives? Why does exercising feel so hard and is there any possible way to like it more?Exercise feels like a chore because there are so many misconceptions (AKA myths)...[ read more ]

Does Therapy for “Baby Blues” Work?

Having a baby is one of the most amazing and awesome events in a person’s life. Babies bring joy and laughter into the house. But the reality is, they also bring sleepless nights and inevitable and irreversible change.Having a baby also brings changes to a woman’s body. During pregnancy and right after, a woman will experience shifts in her hormones....[ read more ]

Somatic Experiencing for Treatment of PTSD Symptoms

Traumatic events such as war, rape, and severe accidents can lead people to suffer from symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). What we have recently discovered is that any event that is experienced as threatening can generate PTSD-like symptoms and negatively affect a person’s quality of life.Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) was developed by psychologist Peter A. Levine to address the effects of trauma....[ read more ]

What Determines Gender Identity and How Can Parents Help?

What makes someone feel they have been born into the wrong body? Gender identity is a prominent topic these days thanks to the transgender movement, yet many people are still uncertain about what causes this issue.What is it, exactly, that determines whether an individual thinks of themselves as “male” or “female” or something else or neither of these two options?...[ read more ]

How to Cope with the Stress and Anxiety Caused by COVID-19

If you’re like most people, you are doing your best to stay calm during COVID-19 pandemic. But that can feel incredibly difficult at times. When not worrying about friends and loved one’s health, there’s also the conflicting information provided by the media and the economic ramifications of the virus that have people on edge.Signs of Emotional Distress and 6 Ways...[ read more ]

Sexual Assault: You Are Not Alone

I used to want to get back at him. I used to want him to hurt for all the pain and suffering he caused me for so long. Chances are, he doesn't think of me any more. The case was dropped after all. But I still have to think about this as I endure and try to heal the PHYSICAL...[ read more ]

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